Yearly Archives


All You Need To Know About Cataract

A cataract is an opacity of the lens of the eye that can affect vision in one or both; it is one of the most frequent pathologies received in the consultation and is mainly related to aging; during all this stage, the lens continues to…

What is a Terpene and what it is all about?

What is a Terpene? A terpenes is a natural organic compound which occurs naturally in the leaves and stems of several species of the hemp plant. They occur in the potpourri of the marijuana plant along with other naturally occurring…

The Benefits of an Energy Shot Supplement

One of the more popular forms of energy supplementation is called an energy shot supplement. As its name implies, the energy supplement is comprised of small doses of caffeine that are quickly digested by the body and can provide the…

Healthcare initiative taken for the seniors

Age is a number that keeps on increasing with time. It is the natural phase that comes in every person life. Nobody is going to stay young and healthy for their complete life. So it is always necessary to keep yourself fit so that old age…